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Pay Differentials

Pay Differential Library

A pay differential is special additional pay recognizing unusual competencies, circumstances, or working conditions applying to some or all incumbents in select classes. Pay Differentials are typically initiated through the collective bargaining process but may also be the result of a classification proposal. Creating and issuing a pay differential may be needed in order to recognize:

  • Recruitment and retention difficulties
  • Special professional or educational certification
  • Undesirable work location or shift assignment
  • Performance of atypical duties
  • Recognition of special but temporary responsibilities
  • Acquisition or possession of special licenses, skills, or training
  • Incentive-based pay
  • Other special considerations that impact a subgroup within a given class

There are over 400 Pay Differentials available to State employees who meet established standards. Be advised that this search feature will only display results of text included in the Pay Differential. If you are having trouble locating an item, try searching for the specific class title, class code, bargaining unit, and/or department. Please contact your HR office if you have any questions regarding Pay Differentials.

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Bargaining Unit:

All | Abolished | BU01 | BU02 | BU03 | BU04 | BU05 | BU06 | BU07 | BU08 | BU09 | BU10 | BU11 | BU12 | BU13 | BU14 | BU15 | BU16 | BU17 | BU18 | BU19 | BU20 | BU21 | Excluded

All Pay Differentials
496 Seniority Pay Differential - Bargaining Unit 17 and Excluded Employees
495 SEIU Out-of-State Supplemental Health Care Program Payment - Bargaining Units 01, 03, 04, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21 and Related Excluded Employees
494 ASL Proficiency Incentive for State Special Schools - All SEIU Bargaining Units and Excluded Employees
493 California Department of Social Services' Disability Determination Services Division Recruitment and Retention Pay Differential - Bargaining Unit 01 and Excluded Employees
492 Recruitment and Retention Pay Differential - California Department of Education Local Assistant Budget Development - Bargaining Unit 01 and Excluded Employees
491 Department of Industrial Relations Division of Workers’ Compensation and Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board Education Pay Differential – Bargaining Units 01 and 04
490 Governor's Office of Emergency Services Pay Differential - Bargaining Unit 07
489 Staged Pay Differential - Bargaining Unit 15 and Excludeds
488 Workforce Stability Stipend - Certified Nursing Assistant - Bargaining Unit 20
487 Assistive Technology Specialist Pay Differential Department of State Hospitals and Department of Veterans Affairs - Bargaining Unit 20
486 State Special Schools Pay Differential - Bargaining Units 01 and 20
485 Support Service Assistant, Interpreter Pay Differential - Bargaining Unit 20
484 Educational Allowance Pay Differential - Bargaining Unit 19 and Excluded
483 On-Call Differential Pay (FLSA Exempt Employees)
482 Recruitment and Retention Differential Pay - Bargaining Unit 19 and Excluded Employees
481 On-Call Differential Pay - Bargaining Unit 16
480 Continuing Medical Education Pay - Bargaining Unit 16 and Related Excluded Employees
479 Psychiatrist In-Person Direct Patient Care Recruitment and Retention Differential - Bargaining Unit 16 and Excluded Employees
478 Mental Health and Wellness Differential - Bargaining Unit 06 and Related Excluded Employees
477 Additional Caseload Differential Pay – Bargaining Units 16 and 19
476 Retention Incentive Differential Pay For Hard-To-Keep/Fill Institutions – California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation – Bargaining Unit 06 and Excluded Employees
475 Location Incentive Bonus – Bargaining Unit 06 Employees
474 Commercial Driver's License Differential – Bargaining Unit 06 and Excluded Employees
473 Health Care Facility Retention and Wildfire Emergency Response Payment - Bargaining Unit 12 and Related Excluded Employees
472 Cargo Tank Inspection Differential - Bargaining Unit 12 Employees
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