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Savings Plus Retirement Planning

​Savings Plus Preparing for Retirement

Savings Plus is the name of the 401(k) Plan and 457 Plan available to most State of California employees. The money you contribute to a Savings Plus 401(k) Plan or a 457 Plan may also provide a vital source of supplemental income for you when you retire. 


Live Classroom Training and Educational Webinars

Live Classroom Training and Educational Webinars available at no cost. Click the link to view the training page.


Be Prepared

There are many convenient and easy to use options available to help you save for retirement. Contributions to Savings Plus are through automatic payroll deductions. You may opt for pre-tax or after tax contributions. Call, click, or visit our lobby to start your retirement planning.



Consistency is Key

The sooner you start a Savings Plus account, the better. Whether your retirement is a long way off or coming up fast, you should allow your money as much time to grow undisturbed as possible.  



Combine Your Retirement Savings

Another way to build your retirement savings is by combining your retirement savings into one easy to manage Savings Plus account.  


Eligible retirement savings include 401(a), 401(k), 403(b), 457, and Pre-Tax IRA savings.



Some state employees have special retirement benefits:

  • Peace Officers and Fire Fighters (POFF)

  • Extended Service Incentive Program (ESIP)

  • Deferred Retirement Option (DROP)

  • California State University System 403(b)

  • Monetary Credits


These retirement accounts are only eligible for transfer to Savings Plus when you separate from state service.



Contact Savings Plus

​Contact Savings Plus for information about the plan.
  Updated: 1/9/2015
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