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State Recruiters' Round Table

The State Recruiters' Round Table (SRRT) provides state HR professionals a forum to share recruitment industry best practices and discuss challenges and solutions. SRRT meetings provide members an opportunity to discuss new information that may advance the recruitment process.

 SRRT members meet six times a year.​​

​State Recruiters' Round Table Executive Committee

  • Chairperson: Lanaya Trejo, CalHR
  • Co-Chairperson: Maggie Orion, CalHR

​Upcoming Meeting

Save the date for the next State Recruiters' Round Table!​​

Event Date: ​August 15, 2024; 1 pm -2 pm

Event Location: Virtual​​​​

For more information please email:​​​​​ or subscribe to the State Recruiters email ​list to receive the latest news and updates.​

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