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<p>Effective March 28, 2024, dental (STD-692) and vision (STD-700 and CalHR-774) enrollment forms will have the ‘Disabled Child’ added to the enrollment forms. All dependents certified as a Disabled Dependent should be identified with the dependent type ‘Disabled Child’ when enrolling in benefits. ​</p>Dental and vision enrollment form update4/9/2024 7:00:00 AM
<p><span style="font-size:1em;">Effective January 1, 2024, the State implemented increases to meal and short-term lodging expense reimbursement rates within the existing business and travel reimbursement policy (</span><a href="" style="font-size:1em;">CalHR Manual Section 2203</a><span style="font-size:1em;">) for all excluded state employees as well as all rank and file state employees (pursuant to the Memorandums of Understanding) on authorized travel status. </span><br></p><p>CalHR has updated <a href="">CalHR Manual Section 2203</a> to provide additional clarification regarding the above changes that took effect on January 1, 2024. State Controller's Office (SCO) CalATERS Global has been configured to accept these changes. Please reference <a href="">CalATERS Global Letter #24-001</a> for specific processing information.</p><p>In addition, effective January 1, 2024, for travel that occurs on or after January 1, 2024, CalHR has updated the receipt policy for meal and incidental expenses in <a href="">CalHR Manual Section 2203</a>. SCO is taking the necessary steps to implement this change in CalATERS. SCO will release additional communications upon completion of related system updates.</p><p>CalHR's <a href="/employees/Pages/travel-reimbursements.aspx">Travel Reimbursements page</a> provides general information. To learn more about this and upcoming changes to the travel program, please see CalHR's <a href="/benefits/Pages/Travel-Program-FAQ.aspx">Travel Frequently Asked Questions page</a>.​<br><br></p>Travel Program – Clarification Regarding Increased Meal and Lodging Reimbursement Rates, Receipt Policy Update for Meal and Incidental Expenses3/14/2024 7:00:00 AM
<p>In compliance with Government Code Section 8310.6 (Senate Bill 189 - 2022), the <a href="/Documents/calhr-1070.pdf">State Employee Race/Ethnicity Questionnaire (CalHR 1070 form)​</a> has been updated to include the following additional ethnicity categories for Black or African American groups:<br></p><ul><li>​A descendant of a person or persons who were enslaved in the United States.<br></li><li><span style="font-size:1em;"> Not a descendant of a person or persons who were enslaved in the United States, including, but not </span> limited to, African Black, Caribbean Black, or other Black.<br></li><li><span style="font-size:1em;">Descen</span><span style="font-size:1em;">dant status is unknown or choose not to identify.</span><br></li></ul>In addition, <a href="/Documents/calhr-1070.pdf">CalHR 1070​</a> has been updated so that employees may identify themselves as non-binary gender. Please use the new form effective January 2, 2024. The State Controller’s Office <a href="">December 29, 2023, notice</a> provides technical instructions to Personnel staff.<p></p><p><br>Please note that if an employee chooses not to identify their race/ethnicity, visual identification is required by Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations section 1602.30 to meet Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEO-4 reporting requirements. The information collected via this form will be used for statistical analysis as required under Government Code Sections 19792 subdivisions (h) and (i).<br>​​​​</p>Changes to CalHR-1070 Form1/11/2024 8:00:00 AM

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