3-28-2018: RFP 700-17-11, International Equity Investments
The California Department of Human Resources solicits bids in the International Value Equity, International Growth Equity, and International Small Capitalization Equity investment categories for the Savings Plus Program’s 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan and 401(k) Thrift Plan.
CalHR released a Request for Proposal (RFP 700-17-11) on March 28, 2018 seeking bids for the International Value Equity, International Growth Equity, and International Small Capitalization Equity investment categories for the Savings Plus Program’s 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan and 401(k) Thrift Plan.
CalHR intends that the successful firms will enter into individual agreements with CalHR for a five-year period with the option to extend the agreement for up to two (2) additional one-year periods.
savingsplusnow.com for more information about Savings Plus.
The deadline for response to this RFP is May 8, 2018
at 3:00 p.m. (PT).
To get the RFP bid package:
Cal eProcure on or after March 28, 2018
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Event I.D. 700-17-11
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CalHR will only answer questions about the RFP in accordance with the instructions provided within the RFP.
There is no bidder's conference scheduled for this RFP.
Addendums are posted at
Cal eProcure. Only registered users are notified of such addendums via email.
To receive notice of the next Savings Plus RFP opportunity, provide the following information to the
Contracts Management Unit:
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You may email this information to admin.contracts@calhr.ca.gov or mail it to:
Department of Human Resources
Attention: Contracts Management Unit
1515 S Street, North Building, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95811-7258