What is the State of California Workforce Planning Model?
The purpose of the State of California Workforce Planning Model is to provide clear and relevant workforce planning guidance that aligns staffing and competencies with an organization's current and future strategic business needs. The model provides instructions for developing a comprehensive workforce plan that contains strategies addressing five main areas of workforce planning: recruitment, retention, employee development, knowledge transfer and succession management. Expanded succession management guidance begins in Phase 3, by utilizing the California Succession Management Model.
When should an organization use the Workforce Planning Model?
The State of California Workforce Planning Model should be used when an organization wants to begin or refine a workforce plan to ensure its critical missions and strategic plan objectives can be met.
Who should use the Workforce Planning Model?
Regardless of an organization's size, workforce planning is the responsibility of the organization as a whole. For detailed information regarding recommended steering committee or project team members, reference the
Steering Committee Roles and Responsibilities PDF. Developing a structured team is a task accomplished in Phase 1
of the State of California Workforce Planning Model.
How does an organization use the Workforce Planning Model?
Each phase of the model contains comprehensive guidance to assist with successful completion. The phases are structured to provide high-level guidance to organizations who have advanced workforce planning experience, as well as additional detailed information for organizations who are just beginning workforce planning efforts:
The Purpose identifies the overall objective for the Phase.
The Deliverable describes the concrete output that will result with completion of the Phase.
The Steps outline the major actions that should be taken to complete the Phase.
The Tools identify tools and/or resources that can be used to assist with accomplishing the step referenced.
The Detailed Information provides in-depth direction for accomplishing each Step.
The workforce analysis accomplished in Phase 1 and Phase 2, informs recruitment, retention, employee development, knowledge transfer, and succession management strategies developed in Phase 3. Detailed guidance for succession management begins in Phase 3 by utilizing the State of California Succession Management Model.
GET STARTED - Click on the phase to learn about the purpose, deliverable, and actions involved.