What is a California civil service apprentice? | What is a California civil service apprentice? | <p>A state civil service employee that has been selected to participate in a non-traditional apprenticeship program, and signs an apprenticeship agreement to formalize their participation in the on-the-job training and related academic course instruction. <br></p> |
What is a non-traditional apprenticeship program? | What is a non-traditional apprenticeship program? | <p>A non-traditional apprenticeship program is a formal employment program that combines on-the-job training and related and supplemental instruction hours, typically in the form of college courses. The opportunity is open to current employees looking to develop in their career focus and increase their understanding of foundational theory, industry knowledge, and professional skills. It differs from a traditional apprenticeship primarily because it serves career paths outside of building, construction or fire trade jobs.<br></p> |
Where are programs offered? | Where are programs offered? | <p>Programs are currently offered throughout California, depending on the geographic location(s) of the department, and where the work is performed. An employee is welcome to relocate, at the employee's expense, to allow them to participate in a program.<br></p> |
How frequently are the programs offered? | How frequently are the programs offered? | <p>Programs may be offered at varying frequencies ranging from once a year to every two years. Visit the program's specific webpage to view schedules of current and upcoming cohorts. <br></p> |
How long are the programs? | How long are the programs? | <p class="MsoNormal">Programs typically range from 18 months to two years, and
many utilize the Training and Development assignment.<br></p> |
Do apprentices stay with their department? | Do apprentices stay with their department? | <p>An apprentice will remain in their current department but may rotate to another division or unit to gain the full range of experience.<br></p> |
What is the time commitment of the programs? | What is the time commitment of the programs? | <p>An apprentice is expected to attend academic courses and
complete course work on their own time throughout the week and weekend according
to the course schedule. However, there may be group study, lab
work, tutoring and mentoring that occurs during the work week.<br></p> |
What is the curriculum? | What is the curriculum? | <p>The curriculum is based on the focus of the specific program.
The curriculum design is developed in collaboration with program subject matter
experts. Typical curriculum amounts to approximately 20 – 25 college level
units over the course of the program which can be applied toward a traditional
college degree.<br></p> |
Who pays for the courses? | Who pays for the courses? | <p class="MsoNormal">The academic fees related to the program are paid for by a
grant awarded to the educational institute offering the courses. The grant
covers the cost of courses and course material. <br></p> |
What type of support is available for an apprentice in a program? | What type of support is available for an apprentice in a program? | <p>The apprentice is supported by a team of subject matter experts typically comprised of mentors, instructors, college administrators, on-the-job supervisors, and the Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC). The JAC is the labor/management committee formed to establish and maintain the apprenticeship program. It is comprised of civil service management and labor representatives along with representatives from the educational institute offering the academic courses and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards. <br></p> |
How is an apprentice selected? | How is an apprentice selected? | <p>Candidates go through an application and selection process specific to the program they are applying for during the posted application period for the program. The application process often consists of an employee’s initial submittal of interest, which may take various forms, and a panel interview. <br></p> |
What department resources are required to participate in the programs? | What department resources are required to participate in the programs? | <p class="MsoNormal">While academic fees are covered by a grant, the department
is responsible for the positions dedicated to the apprenticeship as well as identifying
the following roles in support of apprentices:<br></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0.5in;"><b><span style="line-height:107%;">Supervisor – </span></b><span style="line-height:107%;">Supervisor that provides
on-the-job training and oversees and evaluates the apprentice’s progress.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0.5in;"><b><span style="line-height:107%;">Human Resources Representative – </span></b><span style="line-height:107%;">Human resources employee
with access to personnel data such as employee position status, and can provide
general information about the department’s apprenticeship programs to internal
employees who may be interested.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0.5in;"><b><span style="line-height:107%;">Mentor(s) (when available) – </span></b>Individual(s) experienced in the
occupation of the program’s target classification willing to share knowledge
and support the apprentice’s professional development.<br></p> |
What happens after an apprentice completes a program? | What happens after an apprentice completes a program? | <p>When a cohort finishes, an apprentice remaining on a T&D has a mandatory right to return to their former position. Apprentices who complete the apprenticeship will meet the minimum qualifications for the target classification and can apply for open vacancies through the merit process.</p> |
Where can I get more information? | Where can I get more information? | To get more information please contact the California
Department of Human Resources at <a href="mailto:%20apprenticeships@calhr.ca.gov" title="apprenticeships@calhr.ca.gov">apprenticeships@calhr.ca.gov</a>.<br> |