Behavior Specialist Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established February 7, 2001
This series specification describes two Behavior Specialist classes which are used by the Department of Developmental Services to provide enhanced and specialized behavioral services.
Behavior Specialist Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes Schem Code | Class Code | Class |
XL05 | 9823 | Behavior Specialist I |
XL10 | 9824 | Behavior Specialist II |
Definition of Series
Behavior Specialists work in the developmental centers and any other State-operated facility of the Department of Developmental Services. Incumbents in this series work with developmental center and State-operated facility staff and are responsible for: providing behavioral services to clients with challenging behavior, which includes implementation of behavioral programs; designing data collection systems and collecting behavioral data; training staff in behavioral programs for individual clients, and in general principles and techniques of applied behavior analysis; assisting in conducting sophisticated assessments and analyses of challenging behavior; as a member of the interdisciplinary team, and under the clinical lead and direction of a Psychologist with competence in applied behavior analysis, participates in developing behavioral programs based upon assessments and analyses; providing facilitywide behavioral consultation and technical assistance to interdisciplinary teams; assisting in the development of facility behavioral training and policies; and assisting in transitioning clients with challenging behavior into community settings.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
Level, variety, complexity, and difficulty of work; the degree of independence of action, responsibility for decisions, and consequences of erroneous determination; nature and level of contacts; degree of supervision received; and experience and knowledge necessary to perform the work.
Definition of Levels
Behavior Specialist I
In a State developmental center or any other State-operated facility of the Department of Developmental Services, under supervision and the clinical lead and direction of a Psychologist with competence in applied behavior analysis, the incumbent performs duties of an average degree of difficulty as follows: as a member of the interdisciplinary team, implements behavioral services with difficult clients; collects data, which includes data for behavioral assessments ("functional analyses") and reliability; assists in providing on-site staff training in behavioral programs; and teaches clients new adaptive skills to replace challenging behavior.
Behavior Specialist II
In a State developmental center or any other State-operated facility of the Department of Developmental Services, under general supervision and under the clinical lead and direction of a Psychologist with competence in applied behavior analysis, the incumbent may act as a lead person over a small group of lower-level positions, and performs the more difficult and complex duties as follows: as a member of the interdisciplinary team, assists in conducting behavioral assessments (�functional analyses�) and participates in designing behavioral programs; analyzes, summarizes, and displays data; trains staff in behavioral principles and techniques; and provides ongoing monitoring of program implementation.
Minimum Qualifications
Behavior Specialist I
Experience: One year of experience implementing behavioral services. and Education: Possession of a bachelor of arts or science degree in a human services field (which may include, but is not limited to, education, psychology, counseling, behavior analysis, social work, or rehabilitation) from an institution of higher education, fully accredited by a regional accrediting body, which includes a minimum of 12 semester units in applied behavior analysis (including basic principles and ethical issues).
Behavior Specialist II
Experience: Two years of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Behavior Specialist I or two years of experience designing, implementing, and monitoring behavioral services in a human service setting. and Education: Possession of a master of arts or science degree in a human services field (which may include, but is not limited to, education, psychology, counseling, behavior analysis, social work, or rehabilitation) from an institution of higher education, fully accredited by a regional accrediting body, which includes a minimum of 24 semester units in applied behavior analysis (including basic principles and applications in applied settings, ethics, data collection, and analysis).
Knowledge and Abilities
Behavior Specialist I
Knowledge of: Basic principles of applied behavior analysis; ethical considerations regarding behavior modification; behavioral assessment and procedures to increase and decrease behavior; managing behavioral emergencies; basic types and characteristics of developmental disabilities; organizational structure of developmental centers and the respective roles and responsibilities of staff.
Ability to: Develop cooperative and harmonious relationships with direct care staff and others; ability to work effectively within an interdisciplinary team model; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; communicate effectively; provide support services to clients in home and training sites.
Behavior Specialist II
Knowledge of: All of the above, and laws and regulations relevant to behavioral programming, which includes the use of restrictive procedures; methods of defining and measuring behavior; methods of collecting and displaying data; methods to promote behavioral generalization and maintenance.
Ability to: All of the above, and analyze complex behavior; work with professional personnel to coordinate effective behavioral services.
Additional Desirable Qualifications
Behavior Specialist I
Current certification (or eligibility for certification) as an Associate Behavior Analyst by the National Behavior Analyst Certification Board, and demonstrated competence implementing behavioral programs.
Behavior Specialist II
Current certification (or eligibility for certification) as a Behavior Analyst by the National Behavior Analyst Certification Board.
Special Personal Characteristics
All Levels:
Objective and sympathetic understanding of the developmentally disabled; tolerance; tact; and emotional stability.
Drug Testing Requirement
All Levels:
Applicants for positions in these classes are required to pass a drug-screening test. Testing of current employees who are applicants in an examination or who are transferring is permitted only if the person does not have a current appointment to a class for which drug testing is a requirement.