Project Manager (Various Classes) Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established June 10, 2010
This specification describes two classes used to assume full responsibility for overseeing and managing projects undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's California Prison Health Care Services Division and the Office of the State Chief Information Officer.
Definition of the Classes
Project Managers oversee and manage projects according to established and standardized project management methods, guidelines, and principles. They evaluate, monitor, and ensure compliance with laws, regulations, policies, standards, or procedures. Projects are either general, or information technology (IT) related. The particular project type is determined by the nature of the project work required and conducted to produce a deliverable product, service, or result. Incumbents may be assigned as the project manager over a single or multiple projects ranging in complexity based on business and technical factors.
Project Manager (Various Classes) Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes
Schem Code | Class Code | Class |
LQ96 | 7579 | Project Manager (General) (Abolished 08/10/2017 per Pay Letter 17-26) |
LQ95 | 7580 | Project Manager (Information Technology) (Abolished 01/31/2018 per Pay Letter 18-04) |
Definition of Specialties
Project Manager (General)
Project Manager (General) is responsible for managing all aspects of one or more projects using planning, monitoring, and controlling principles and processes to deliver a unique product, service, or program solution. Incumbents in this parenthetical are distinguished from Information Technology Project Managers because they are not required to have experience and education in the field of IT to assume the project management responsibilities.
Project Manager (Information Technology)
Project Manager (Information Technology) is responsible for managing or overseeing all aspects of one or more IT projects applying industry standards, principles, methods, techniques, using planning, monitoring, and controlling principles tools to deliver an IT product, service, or system. Incumbents in this parenthetical are distinguished from other Project Managers because they are required to have IT experience and education to assume the project management responsibilities.
Typical Tasks
Under general direction, the project manager oversees and manages all aspects and phases of one or more projects. The project manager is fully responsible for directing the following activities: project integration including the initial project feasibility study and analysis and project plan execution; the conduct of integrated change control; scope management; cost management; human resources management; project communications; risk management; procurement planning and management; and close out functions. Makes policy recommendations to management on sensitive or complex issues; works with control agencies to comply with state administrative requirements; and conducts presentations or briefings on aspects of the project(s) to Executive management and may testify before committees, control agencies, review boards, and/or the legislature.
In addition to the above, incumbents in the Project Manager (Information Technology) class manage IT activities including: identification and analysis of customers' IT systems and infrastructure requirements or environments; design and development of the IT solution(s); purchase or contract for IT services, equipment, products, and/or supplies; integration of information systems and/or subsystems; development of information systems testing strategies and plans; identification of infrastructure configuration and change management standards or requirements; and development or implementation of IT systems security plans and procedures.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
A project under this class concept has a defined beginning and end, serves to develop, modify, or enhance a product, service, or system and is constrained by the relationships among scope, resources, and time. Projects are distinguished from ongoing program operations that are specifically tied to the missions, functions, activities, laws, rules, and regulations that a department is authorized and funded to administer and or enforce.
Projects are identified as either General or IT and will determine the position's allocation to the appropriate parenthetical class.
The overall scope and relative complexity of each project is determined by the project profile, duration, budget, technical, business, and procurement complexities.
Required Core Competencies
The following competencies apply to the PROJECT MANAGER (GENERAL) and PROJECT MANAGER (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) classifications.
Technical Competencies
Administration: Knowledge of and ability to apply administrative procedures required in the enforcement of laws and rules. Knowledge of principles and practices of organization, administration, personnel, and budget management. Knowledge of and ability to apply Federal, State, Department, organizational policies and procedures to State operations.
Contracting/Knowledge of various types of contracts, Procurement: techniques for contracting or procurement, and contract negotiation and administration in order to effectively obtain written documentation to ensure the delivery of products or services.
Financial Management: Knowledge of how to prepare, justify, and/or administer the budget for project(s); plan, administer, and monitor expenditures.
Legal, Government Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court and Jurisprudence: procedures, precedents, legal practices and documents, government regulations, Executive Orders, agency rules, government organization and functions, and the political process used to coordinate the implementation of projects which have statewide impact.
Project Management: Advanced knowledge of and ability to apply the principles, methods, techniques, and tools for developing, scheduling, coordinating, and managing projects and resources, including integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, and risk and procurement management.
Managerial Leadership Competencies
These competencies are defined as Knowledge, Skills, or Ability (KSA's) in the State of California Leadership Competency Model. This Model also provides examples of the successful managerial behaviors associated with each defined competency and can be found on the Department of Personnel Administrations' website at
These KSAs are the basis for a number of personnel management practices including, but not limited to, the development of selection methods, training, individual development plans, and performance management.
Fostering a Team Communication, Interpersonal skills; team Environment: leadership and conflict management.
Creating Organizational Change leadership and vision and strategic Transformation: thinking.
Maximizing Performance Analytical thinking, decision making, Results: customer focus, planning and organizing, and thoroughness
Building Trust and Ethics and integrity and personal Accountability: credibility.
Promoting a High Fostering diversity, workforce management, Performance Culture: and developing others
The following additional competencies only apply to the PROJECT MANAGER (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) classification.
Configuration Knowledge of and ability to apply the Management: principles and methods for planning or managing the implementation, update, or integration of information systems components.
Data Management: Knowledge of and ability to apply the principles, procedures, and tools of data management such as modeling techniques, data backup, data recovery, data dictionaries, data warehousing, data mining, data disposal, and data standardization processes.
Information Resources Knowledge of and ability to apply the Strategy and Planning: principles, methods, and techniques of IT assessment, planning, management, monitoring, and evaluation such as IT baseline assessment, interagency/department dependencies, contingency planning, and disaster recovery.
Information Systems/Knowledge of and ability to apply methods, Network Security: tools, and procedures including development of information security plans, to prevent information systems vulnerabilities, and provide or restore security of information systems and network services.
Enterprise Information Knowledge of and ability to apply Technology Standards: architectural methodologies used in the design and development of information systems.
Infrastructure Design: Knowledge of the architecture and typology of software, hardware, and networks including LANS, WANS, and telecommunications systems.
Performance Assessment: Knowledge of and ability to apply the principles, methods, and tools such as surveys and system performance measures to assess the effectiveness and practicality of IT systems.
Requirements Analysis: Knowledge of and ability to apply the principles and methods to identify, analyze, specify, design, and manage functional and infrastructure requirements, including translating functional requirements into technical requirements used for logical design or presenting alternative technologies and approaches.
Systems Life Cycle: Knowledge of and ability to apply systems life cycle management concepts used to plan, develop, implement, operate, and maintain information systems.
Systems Integration: Knowledge of and ability to apply the principles, methods, and procedures for installing, integrating, and optimizing information systems components.
Technology Awareness: Knowledge of emerging technologies and their applications to business processes, and applications and implementation of information systems to meet organizational requirements.
Minimum Qualifications
Both Classes:
Possession of the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certificate issued by the Project Management Institute (PMI). and Five years of increasingly responsible project management experience applying the principles, methods, techniques, and tools for developing, scheduling, coordinating, and managing projects and resources, including integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk and procurement management, at least three years must have been in a management capacity as a full-time project manager of one or more large or complex IT, clinical, or general management projects that demonstrated expertise, proficiency, and understanding of all aspects of project management. and Education: Equivalent to graduation with a Bachelors degree from a recognized college or university. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for up to two years of the required education on a year-for-year basis.)
Project Manager (Information Technology)
Demonstrated achievement as evidenced through experience and education which provide ability to successfully oversee and/or manage all phases of a large IT project.
Class History
Project Manager (Various Classes) Series History - Dates Established, Revised, and Title Changed
Class | Date Established | Date Revised | Title Changed |
Project Manager (General) | 06/10/2010 | -- | -- |
Project Manager (Information Technology) | 06/10/2010 | -- | -- |