ABOLISHED 04/16/2015 PER PAY LETTER 15-13 - Senior Assistant Attorney General, Special Prosecutions Unit
California State Personnel Board Specification
Schematic Code: OC40
Class Code: 5863
Established: 01/23/1979
Revised: 04/17/1984
Title Changed: --
Under the direction of the Chief Deputy Attorney General, to plan, organize and direct the work of the Special Prosecutions Unit; to advise the Attorney General on matters of crime which should become the subject of investigation and prosecution by the Special Prosecutions Unit, and to do other related work.
Typical Tasks
Plans, organizes and directs the activities of the Special Prosecutions Unit of the Department of Justice; supervises teams of attorneys, Special Agents and allied support personnel involved in the investigation and prosecution of criminal activity which has significant state wide impact; personally advises the Attorney General on the kinds of criminal activity which should become the subject of efforts by the Special Prosecutions Unit; maintains liaison with other criminal justice officials at the Federal, State, and local levels who are involved in similar investigation and prosecution efforts; may personally handle some of the most difficult and sensitive litigation.
Minimum Qualifications
Membership in The State Bar of California. (Applicants must have active membership in The State Bar before they will be eligible for appointment.) and Either I Four years of experience in California state service performing legal duties* comparable to those performed by a Deputy Attorney General III, of which at least two years must have included felony trial experience.
Broad and extensive (at least five years) felony trial experience of which at least three years must have been in a supervisory capacity over attorneys participating in felony trials. (Experience in the California state service applied toward this requirement must be at the level of responsibility provided in the promotional pattern.)
Knowledge and Abilities
Knowledge of: State's criminal justice system; criminal law, basic investigative techniques, criminal trial procedures, statutes and constitutional provisions governing the organization, duties, powers, and conduct of the work of the Attorney General s Office and the Department of Justice; personnel management techniques; department's Affirmative Action Program objectives; a manager's role in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.
Ability to: Handle criminal felony trials; direct an investigative staff; provide effective liaison with other local, State and Federal criminal justice agencies, and secure the confidence of these agencies; supervise and provide administrative direction to a varied staff of attorneys, investigators, auditors, and other support personnel; effectively contribute to the department's affirmative action objectives.
Additional Desirable Qualification
Significant trial experience involving the prosecution of individuals involved in organized crime.
*Experience in the "practice of law" or "performing legal duties" or "legal experience" is defined as only that Legal experience acquired after admission to The Bar.