ABOLISHED 03/05/2015 PER PAY LETTER 15-11A - Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established February 4, 1981
This series specification describes four construction cost estimator classes used within the California Housing Finance Agency.
Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes
Schem Code | Class Code | Class |
IT92 | 4572 | Assistant Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency |
IT93 | 4573 | Associate Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency |
IT94 | 4576 | Senior Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency |
IT95 | 4578 | Supervising Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency |
Definition of Series
The Estimator series is used in the California Housing Finance Agency to prepare construction cost estimates from both preliminary and final working plans and specifications submitted by prospective developers of all types of residential dwelling units to be financially sponsored by the Agency. Structures involved range from wood-framed type of construction to hi-rise structures of reinforced and prefabricated concrete design. Estimates range from conceptual, quantity take-off in nature including structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing. Estimates include material, labor, on-site construction, off-site construction, construction-related fees, change orders and the timing for completion of the construction.
Positions are responsible for conducting all material and quantity take-offs on proposed housing projects; reviewing submissions of plans and specifications and developer cost estimates to verity compliance with HUD-MPS, Local Building Code requirements and CHFA design criteria; making cost analysis of the submitted projects after completion for determining cost guidelines of future projects; providing design and development officers with information and recommendations relating to materials, methods and construction procedures and other information, as well as advising them with regard to cost revisions necessitated by the recommended alternatives; reviewing final working plans and specifications for completeness and conformity to the Loan Commitment requirements, in addition to providing an updated cost estimate prior to the loan closing; reviewing and estimating change orders for the projects which have been approved; reviewing and approving for payment cost estimates and breakdowns submitted by the contractors; conducting site surveys and inspections of projects under construction to physically determine extent of certain recommended changes and, on occasion, to determine and approve progress and disbursement payments; conducting site surveys and estimates for rehabilitation of dwellings in connection with neighborhood preservation programs, and making reports on physical conditions of dwellings surveyed; meeting with contractors, government officials and development staff with regard to various requirements, codes and regulations for the plans, specifications and construction problems.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
Size, variety and complexity of construction project to be cost estimated; the scope of covering the various aspects of the estimate; independence of action and decision making; degree of conceptual cost estimating expertise brought to the Agency; and the degree of supervision received and exercised.
Assistant Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Under direct supervision, incumbents perform at the subjourney level and are assigned to moderately difficult duties in making certain aspects of the preliminary and final conceptual estimates of residential construction costs.
Associate Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
This is the full journey level. Under direction, incumbents are able to independently perform difficult and responsible estimating work on major building project proposals. They are able to conceptualize the project requirements including structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing requirements.
Senior Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Under direction of the Supervising Estimator, a Senior Estimator is responsible for the overall cost estimating function in either the San Francisco or Los Angeles CHFA office. Incumbents are responsible for the development of labor and material construction costs, including mechanical and electrical work. They supervise and direct the work of subordinate level estimators. They review proposed sites for feasibility and make recommendations for development; coordinate construction trade requirements, review change orders and make recommendations on acceptability of costs; review bids submitted by contractors; and assist the Supervising Estimator.
Supervising Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Under the administrative direction of the Chief, Construction Services, the Supervising Estimator implements, plans and administers the construction cost estimating function for the California Housing Finance Agency. The incumbent establishes the procedures by which the Agency estimates construction costs; recruits, trains, delegates and is responsible for the work of the Senior Estimators; establishes cost analysis functions with regard to feasibility, materials, methods of construction, and energy conservation requirements; provides area coordination review of construction cost features of all projects; directly performs cost estimates on projects which are extremely complex or sensitive; meets with developers concerning the cost impact of proposals.
Minimum Qualifications
Assistant Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Either I
Two years of experience in performing the duties of Junior Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency.
Three years of architectural, engineering, or general contracting experience which shall have involved estimating residential building construction costs. (Graduation from college with major work in architecture, engineering or construction management may be substituted for two years of the required experience.)
Associate Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Either I
Two years of experience performing the duties of Assistant Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency.
Four years of architectural, engineering or general contracting experience which shall have involved estimating residential building construction costs. (Graduation from college with major work in architecture, engineering or construction management may be substituted for two years of the required experience.)
Senior Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Either I
Two years of experience performing the duties of Associate Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency.
Experience: Three years of experience in construction cost estimating of major residential or commercial structures, comparable to that of an Associate Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency; and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college with major work in architecture, engineering or construction management. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on the basis of one year of full-time experience equivalent to two years of college.)
Supervising Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Either I
Two years of experience performing the duties of a Senior Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency.
Experience: Four years of construction experience involving total responsibility for compiling estimates on multifamily, commercial and industrial construction, at least two years of which must have been in the capacity of supervising other estimators; and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college with major work in architecture, engineering or construction management. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on the basis of one year of full-time experience equivalent to two years of college.)
Knowledge and Abilities
Assistant Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Associate Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Knowledge of: Methods, practices and skills of all building trades, all forms of rental housing construction from wood frame through Class 1 construction; and systems and costing elements of the civil, plumbing, mechanical, architectural, electrical and labor aspects of construction; local, State, and Federal codes and laws relating to construction; trade union rules and regulations affecting costs of construction.
Ability to: Perform cost estimates on multiunit, residential projects from conceptual plans and specifications; perform detailed take-off estimates based upon working drawings of every trade involved in the project's construction; cost out change orders.
Senior Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Knowledge of: All of the above.
Ability to: All of the above, and supervise and direct the work of subordinate level estimators; review estimates and change orders and make recommendations on acceptability of costs; review bids submitted by contractors and assist the Supervising Estimator.
Supervising Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency
Knowledge of: All of the above.
Ability to: All of the above, and implement, plan, and administer the construction cost estimating function for the CHFA; establish estimating procedures for the Agency; recruit, train and supervise the work of Senior Estimators; perform cost estimates on projects extremely complex or sensitive; establish cost time and area indexes; perform value engineering and relate the costs parameters to the other CHFA field services staff.
Class History
Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency Series History - Dates Established, Revised, and Title Changed
Class | Date Established | Date Revised | Title Changed |
Assistant Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency | 02/04/1981 | -- | -- |
Associate Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency | 02/04/1981 | -- | -- |
Senior Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency | 02/04/1981 | -- | -- |
Supervising Estimator, California Housing Finance Agency | 02/04/1981 | -- | -- |