ABOLISHED 04/19/2017 PER PAY LETTER 17-19 - Chief Meteorologist, Air Resources Board
California State Personnel Board Specification
Schematic Code: GD08
Class Code: 3053
Established: 08/17/1978
Revised: --
Title Changed: --
Under general direction, in the Air Resources Board, plans, directs, coordinates and supervises meteorological and climatological services relating to air pollution control; supervises the staff of the Meteorology Section; performs liaison on air pollution meteorological matters with other air pollution control agencies; and does such other work as directed. Positions in this class are either: (1) managerial, having significant responsibility for formulating or administering agency policies and programs; or (2) supervisory, performing duties which are substantially different from those of subordinates, and having authority, in the interest of management, for hire, transfer, suspend, layoff recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees or responsibility to direct them, or adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend such actions. The intent under supervisory pattern is to exclude leadpersons.
Typical Tasks
Supervises the staff of the Meteorology Section in the collection and analysis of meteorological and air quality data required for the daily issuance of agricultural burning control notices, for issuance of special notices for the control of range improvement and forest management burning, and for making air quality predictions for the California Emergency Episode Plans; plans, directs, coordinates and supervises meteorological studies and investigations relating to the field of air pollution control; acts as the Department's representative in the coordination of meteorological activities of the Air Resources Board with other air pollution control agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and local Air Pollution Control Districts, universities, governmental agencies, private contractors, the American Meteorological Society, and others; analyzes and evaluates climatological factors in relation to seasonal and annual variations in pollutant measurements; advises engineers regarding meteorological conditions affecting atmospheric diffusion and air pollution surveillance; plans and coordinates meteorological studies to devise new and refine existing prediction techniques in connection with the occurrence of air pollution episodes; studies the transport of pollution on micro and mesoscales; recommends theoretical and experimental research projects of value in relating meteorological phenomena to the occurrence of air pollution in California; reviews current technical literature and keeps abreast of significant developments in meteorological techniques and theories and air pollution control simulation modeling; prepares technical reports and correspondence; conducts a continuing evaluation of the agricultural burning and emergency episode programs in an effort to make them more effective; determines allocation of the annual budget for collecting meteorological data in those air basins where the existing data are inadequate; plans for the procurement and maintenance of meteorological and air quality data acquisition and communications equipment; presents staff reports before public hearings of the Air Resources Board.
Minimum Qualifications
Either I
Two years of experience performing the duties of an Associate Meteorologist in the California state service.
Experience: Five years of increasingly responsible experience, professional meteorological experience, including one year of independent responsibility for meteorological studies involving atmospheric diffusion, wind trajectory analysis, inversion analysis, and other phenomena relating to air pollution. At least one year must have been in a supervisory capacity. (The specialized experience should be at least equivalent in level and responsibility to that of an Associate Meteorologist or an Associate Engineer in the California state service.) and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college with major work in the applied or physical sciences and including at least 20 units of classroom laboratory work in synoptic and dynamic meteorology. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)
Knowledge and Abilities
Knowledge of: General meteorology including surface and upper air analyses, precipitation forecasting principles and techniques, and their application to the fields of air pollution control; standard meteorological equipment and the methods of applying them to meteorological studies; fundamental principles of physics, mathematics, and statistics; principles of supervision; the Board's Affirmative Action Program objectives; a manager's role in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.
Ability to: Apply meteorological methods and procedures to engineering and air pollution control studies; plan, coordinate and supervise technical investigations or research and development studies of related meteorological and air pollution problems, and direct others in this work; prepare and analyze meteorological maps and reports; speak effectively and prepare reports and correspondence; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; effectively contribute to the Board's affirmative action objectives.