For bargaining units with an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), if the MOU contains relocation language that is in conflict with this language, the MOU language shall be controlling.
General Information
Government Code, Article 7 (Moving and Relocation Expenses) of the California Code of Regulations, the HR Manual, and current MOUs are the basis for the information on this page. Please note that some MOUs may reference the excluded relocation rules.
Current State Employees
Current state employees may be eligible to submit reimbursement claims for allowable, state-approved relocation expenses. Depending on the circumstances of the relocation, relocation reimbursement for allowable expenses may be either mandatory or permissive, conditional, and must be approved in advance. An example of a mandatory circumstance may be a promotion. An example of a permissive circumstance may be an unusual and unavoidable hardship or a hard-to-fill position. Certain allowable relocation circumstances and/or expenses may require advance approval from the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) in addition to the required advance approval by the appointing power (hiring agency or department). Since each relocation situation is unique, employees who have inquiries about the relocation policy should contact their employer for guidance.
New-Hires to State Service
New-hires to state service may be eligible to submit reimbursement claims for allowable, state-approved relocation expenses. Typically, relocation reimbursement for allowable expenses for new-hires to state service is permissive (not mandatory), conditional, and must be approved in advance. Certain allowable relocation expenses may require advance approval from the Department of Finance and/or CalHR in addition to the required advance approval by the appointing power (hiring agency or department). Since each relocation situation is unique, employees who have inquiries about the relocation policy should contact their employer for guidance.
HR Manual section 2201 – Travel and Relocation Policy provides additional information, including limited delegation from CalHR to departmental appointing powers to reimburse certain allowable expenses for all excluded new-hires and some represented (bargaining unit) new-hires.