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Savings Plus Employer Training

​​​Savings Plus Employer Training

Savings Plus offers three different classes for personnel transactions staff/supervisors, attendance clerks and all other staff working in personnel offices that provide benefit information to State employees.  Visit the Savings Plus Registration Page​ to view a list of currently scheduled workshops.

Overview of Savings Plus

• Main Plan - 457 and 401(k)
• Difference between the two plans
• Enrollment
• Education and outreach resources

Part Time, Seasonal, and Temporary Retirement – (PST)

• PST eligibility
• Common errors
• Resources

Lump Sum Separation for Employees

• Discover advantages of transferring lump sum to your Savings Plus account
• Find out how to use Lump Sum with Catch-Up
• Find out how to coordinate your CalPERS service credit using your lump sum deposit
• Take advantage of onsite assistance with your lump sum application

New Employee Orientation – (NEO)

Having a Savings Plus account is one of the most important retirement tools you can have. The 401(k) and 457(b) plans help you put more money away for your future. Learn about the benefits of having a Savings Plus account by having us present the New Employee Orientation webinar to your staff.​

To set up a New Employee Orientation, please contact​


Topics covered include:

  • What is Savings Plus
  • Difference between the 401(k) and 457(b) pre-tax and Roth plans
  • Why Savings Plus may be a great way to invest
  • How to open an account

Underfunded Savings Plus Accounts

• PML 2011-042​
• PML 2012-012
For any other inquiries, contact Savings Plus​.

  Updated: 8/9/2012
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