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Pharmacy Services Manager (7996)

Pharmacy Services Manager

California State Personnel Board Specification

  • Schematic Code: SY45
  • Class Code: 7996
  • Established: 10/05/1982
  • Revised: --
  • Title Changed: --


Under general direction, either (1) to manage the pharmaceutical service facilities at more than one State institution; or (2) in a single institution, to manage a large comprehensive pharmacy and supervise the work of Pharmacists I and II and nonprofessional staff; and to do other related work.

Distinguishing Characteristics

A large comprehensive pharmacy, as indicated in the "Definition", typically contains:


1. A minimum staff of 15 Pharmacists I and II and Pharmacy Assistants.


2. Administration of unit dosage or another complex form of repackaging and drug distribution to replace ward stock distribution.


3. A number of satellite pharmacies or medical locker units within the hospital complex for more convenient drug distribution.


4. Centralized preparation of intravenous injections for use where needed in the hospital.


5. Managed clinical services to include patient profiles with allergy assessments; drug regimen reviews; consultation with interdisciplinary teams regarding drug therapy; monitoring of patients and recommendations made to optimize the effectiveness of medications; and monitoring for appropriate medication administration.


6. Quality assurance audits of drug repackaging of solid and liquid medications and handling and storing of those medications through all stages from their receipt to final delivery to patients.


7. Through education services, a regular program of formal (and sometimes informal) training for staff, patients and relatives, and also the public regarding all phases of drug utilization. Training may consist of consultation, seminars, or lectures at community mental health centers, community hospitals, other State hospitals, and police departments, or to private physicians and pharmacists or friends and relatives of patients. Some State hospital pharmacies also provide formalized training for college students pursuing degrees in the health professions.


8. Managed drug information services and facilities to make staff aware of and able to retrieve material on new drugs, name changes, and adverse drug reactions. Information can be disseminated informally, through training programs or through technical newsletters or bulletins.

Typical Tasks

In a multi-institutional setting, manages a central pharmacy and provides pharmaceutical and consultation services to other institutions; provides functional supervision for one or more fully staffed pharmacies; establishes and maintains effective policies and procedures to assure a safe and cost-effective pharmacy service; assists in the development of standardized policies and procedures for the department's pharmacy service; assists in the planning of new or remodeled institution pharmacies; coordinates the budgets of each pharmacy in the geographical area; audits pharmacy operation; provides or assists with in-service training; provides consultation to the treatment teams and the Medical Review Committees as necessary; provides consultation to Pharmacists II, as necessary; consults with Chief Medical Officers/Medical Directors regarding pharmacy service; and performs other duties as required; or


In a single State institution, manages the largest pharmacies; provides pharmaceutical and consulting services to other hospital disciplines; provides direct supervision for a fully staffed pharmacy; establishes and maintains effective policies and procedures in compliance with licensing standards; coordinates the pharmacy budget; audits pharmacy service operations for quality assurance; monitors for proper utilization of pharmaceuticals within the institution; monitors the hospital's drug distribution system; assures proper utilization of clinical pharmacy services; interprets administration and personnel policies as they apply to selection and supervision of pharmacy personnel; prepares necessary pharmacy reports for hospital administration; monitors all other hospital systems on which the pharmacy service impacts; provides consultation to the treatment teams and the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee; provides consultation to Pharmacists II, as necessary; and may act as regional or areawide pharmaceutical consultant; and performs other duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Possession of a valid certificate of registration as a licentiate in pharmacy issued by the California Board of Pharmacy. and Either I One year of experience performing the duties of a Pharmacist II in the California state service. Or IITwo years of experience performing the duties of a Pharmacist I in the California state service. Or IIIThree years of experience supervising the operation of a hospital pharmacy.

Knowledges and Abilities

Knowledge of: All licensing and accreditation standards as they relate to pharmaceutical services in State institutions; hospital pharmacy and general hospital operation; newer pharmaceutical technologies, such as computer systems; several drug distribution systems to include unit dose, individual prescription, floor stock and modifications of such; laws pertaining to dispensing and use of narcotics and poisons; patient-oriented services; budgeting and inventory processes; methods used in evaluating pharmacy effectiveness and efficiency; principles of effective supervision; the department's affirmative action program objectives; a manager's role in the affirmative action program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.


Ability to: Manage and be responsible for administering a central pharmacy; provide leadership and functional direction to other pharmacists; monitor for proper utilization of pharmaceuticals; develop and direct clinical pharmacy services; direct procurement of safe and effective pharmaceuticals; coordinate the administration of the pharmacy budgets; supervise and instruct others in pharmaceutical work; keep records and prepare reports; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; effectively contribute to the department's affirmative action objectives.

Special Personal Characteristics

Willingness to work in a State institution; freedom from communicable disease; willingness to travel within a geographical area.

  Updated: 6/3/2012
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