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Addenda to Unit 6 MOU - Wave 3 Conclusion, Public Safety Realignment

Get the signed transmittal letter and addenda here (PDF).


This following is the text only of the transmittal letter and addenda, provided as part of CalHR's commitment to accessibility.


Transmittal Letter


May 1, 2013

The Honorable Mark Leno
Chair, Joint Legislative Budget Committee
Legislative Office Building
1020 N Street, Room 553
Sacramento, CA 95818

Re: Addenda to Bargaining Unit 6 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Wave 3 Conclusion, Public Safety Realignment

This packet contains the balance of agreements reached between CCPOA and the State regarding the Wave 3 implementation of Public Safety Realignment. While we understand from your letter dated April 16, 2013, that all agreements are to come to you as they occur, these agreements represent the balance of realignment agreements that were outstanding.

As you may be aware, these agreements are the result of negotiations that have been continuing since the execution of the original Realignment Side Letter Agreement executed on 9/29/2011 (previously submitted), and the subsequent “waves” that followed. There is not an expenditure of funds not already provided for either through the Bargaining Unit 6 Memorandum of Understanding and/or in the original Realignment agreement.

The agreements in this packet are considered amendments to the current BU 6 MOU and/or addenda to the original Realignment Side Letter Agreement.


  • Wave 3 Addendum to the 9/29/11 Realignment Side letter and the 6/1/12 Wave 2 Addendum
  • 12/27/12 Wave 3 Statewide Bid and Integration of CHCF Lateral Transfer Opportunity
  • 1/4/13 DJJ Lateral Transfer
  • 1/31/13 Options Worksheets
  • 2/13/13 Uniform Allowance on First Day
  • 2/14/13 BPH CCIs
  • 2/14/13 Final Statewide Bid
  • 2/28/13 Workgroup
  • 2/28/13 Vacancies as of 3/30/13
  • 3/6/13 PA, PAII Specialists and CCI Education Incentive
  • 3/6/13 PICO Rollover

CalHR is providing these addenda for the Committee’s information according to Government Code §3517.63. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Nancy Farias, Legislative Deputy at (916) 327-2348.


/s/ Julie Chapman, Director
California Department of Human Resources


cc: Members, Joint Legislative Budget Committee


Peggy Collins, Principal Consultant
Joint Legislative Budget Committee


David Lanier, Legislative Affairs Deputy
Office of Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.


Mac Taylor, Legislative Analyst
Office of the Legislative Analyst




Marianne O'Malley, Director Gen. Government
Office of the Legislative Analyst


Nick Schroeder, Consultant
Office of the Legislative Analyst


Richard Gillihan, Asst. Program Budget Manager
Department of Finance


Craig Cornett, Chief Fiscal Policy Advisor
Office of the Pro Tem


Charles Wright, Chief Consultant
Office of the Pro Tem


Chris Woods, Budget Director
Office of the Speaker


Greg Campbell, Chief Consultant
Office of the Speaker


Seren Taylor, Staff Director
Senate Republican Fiscal Office


Chantele Denny, Consultant
Senate Republican Fiscal Office


Anthony Archie, Consultant
Assembly Republican Fiscal Office


Peter Schaafsma, Staff Director
Assembly Republican Fiscal Office


Keely Bosler, Staff Director
Senate Budget Committee


Mark Ibele, Consultant
Senate Budget Committee


Christian Griffith, Staff Director
Assembly Budget Committee


Mark Martin, Consultant
Assembly Budget Committee


Mark McKenzie, Staff Director
Senate Appropriations Committee


Maureen Ortiz, Consultant
Senate Appropriations Committee


Geoff Long, Chief Consultant
Assembly Appropriations Committee


Roger Dunstan, Consultant
Assembly Appropriations Committee


Pamela Schneider, Consultant
Senate PE&R Committee


Karon Green, Chief Consultant
Assembly PER&SS Committee


Gary Link, Consultant
Senate Republican Caucus


Terry Mast, Consultant
Assembly Republican Caucus


Alene Shimazu, Chief
Fiscal Analysis, CalHR


Pam Manwiller, Deputy Chief
Labor Relations, CalHR


Heather Bendinelli, LRO
Labor Relations Officer, CalHR






Wave 3 Addendum to the 9/29/11 Realignment Side Letter Agreement and the 6/1/12 Wave 2 Addendum


Paragraphs 1-4: Same


1. Supersession: In reaching agreement on this Side letter, the parties agree and confirm that they have, through negotiation, superseded any and all supersedable (1) layoff sections of the Government Code, (Department of Personnel Administration layoff rules or regulations, (3) provisions of the Layoff Manual, and/or (4) articles of the parties’ contract to the extent such code section, rule, regulation, provision or article conflicts with the terms and conditions of the Side Letter.


2. Term: This Side letter shall expire coterminous with the parties’ current contract (i.e., July 2, 2013) or continue, as part of that contract, consistent with section 3517.8 of the Ralph C. Dills Act.



Should this Side Letter expire, the parties further agree that any subsequent agreement or MOU that addresses Realignment  (an agreement dealing with layoffs and movement of BU6 members) shall include the following terms: (1) the area of layoff shall be by county, (2) no relocation shall be paid and (3) the remuneration outlined in this Side Letter shall continue. In the absence of a legally effective agreement or subsequent agreement/MOU that addresses Realignment, the parties agree that the area of layoff shall be by county until Realignment concludes or June 30, 2015, whichever is sooner.



3. Openings/Re-openings: This Side Letter does not apply to new openings (activations 0f new locations) or re-openings (reactivations).


4. Dispute Resolution: Any dispute regarding the interpretation, application or alleged violation of this Side Letter shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure of the parties’ current contract.



Paragraph 5: Same as Wave 2


5. Suspension of Contractual Lateral Transfer Process: Lateral transfers pursuant to the contract shall be suspended during this Realignment process that provides multiple opportunities for lateral transfer. Parole Agent Request Transfers (PART) shall be suspended during a Wave and shall resume after the Wave has concluded.


Paragraph 6: Same


6. No Relocation: In recognition of the expanded transfer opportunities and any associated benefits, there shall be no relocation remuneration paid for any transfer, relocation or movement made pursuant to this agreement.


Paragraph 7: Same as Wave 2


7. Seniority Scores: Per the parties March 21, 20112 agreement, Unit 6 has already had another opportunity to challenge their seniority scores by filling discrepancies.



Timing of Wave
12/31/12SROA/Surplus Effective
1/4/13Mail Statewide Bid (SWB) Worksheets to Unit 6
1/15/13Completed SWB Worksheets due back to Office of Resource Planning (ORP)
2/1/13Mail SWB Award Letters
2/19/13Transitional Academy (2 and 6 weeks) commences
2/19/13Mail Options Worksheets
2/28/13Completed Options Worksheets due back to ORP
Week of 3/25/13Mail Options Placement, Layoff and Final SWB Opportunity Letters
4/3/13Final SWB Worksheets due back to ORP
Week of 4/15/13Final SWB Awards mailed
4/15/13Transitional Academy for Options/Placements (e.g. demotions)
4/29/13Transitional Academy for CHCF and Final SWB commences
4/30/13Layoff Effective Date




8. Movement by Seniority: Except as otherwise negotiated (e.g. lateral transfer to CHCF), all movement pursuant to this Side Letter Addendum shall be by seniority.


9. Union Review of Communication: The Union generally shall have 48 hours from the time of receipt to review and provide comment on CDCR’s draft Realignment communications to employees.



Paragraph 10: Same


10. Communication to Employees: CDCR shall use best efforts to provide as much notice as possible to employees of the timeframes associated with the waves described herein.


Paragraph 11 – 13: Same


11. Information: CDCR shall provide updated information to CCPOA regarding projected overages and vacancies as it becomes available.


12. Distribution of workforce/Layoff: The distribution of the workforce and layoff will be a multi-step process that will allow for voluntary transfer to certain areas prior to the completion of the layoff process. Given the timing of the submission of the layoff plan relative to the Voluntary Transfer Process, impacted employees will get State Restriction of Appointment (SROA) notices, although actual layoffs may be mitigated through the Voluntary Transfer Process.


13. One Move Per Wave: Employees may move only one (1) time within any single wave.


Paragraph 14 and 16: Same as Wave 2


14 & 16. No Voluntary Transfer Process or Walk-up OTAP/PICO Bid Process in Wave or subsequent waves.


Paragraph 15: N/A


Camps/Patton State Hospital: Same as Wave 2


For the purposes of both the Statewide Bid as well as layoff, camp employees shall be tied to the following hiring authority institutions (as opposed to the county in which the camps are physically located): CCC< CIW and SCC. Patton State Hospital shall be tied to CRC.


Wave 3 First Statewide Bid Process is a combination of Paragraph 17 for Waves 1 and 2 as supplemented by the Wave 3 Statewide Bid and Integration of CHCF Lateral Transfer Opportunity Agreement of 12/27/12 as follows:


(1) Same


CDCR shall publish the adjusted statewide information regarding locations that have overages and vacancies by classification. This information will be made available on the internet, intranet and in locally agreed upon designated areas at each worksite.


(2) Item #1 of the attached Wave 3 Statewide Bid and Integration of CHCF Lateral Transfer Opportunity Agreement of 12/27/12:


Classifications that are directly impacted in Wave 3, which include only Parole Agent 1s, Correctional Counselors Is and Parole Agent II Specialists, may participate in the Statewide Bid (SWB) opportunity.


(2a) Same as Wave 2


Where there overage institutions or overage counties, only the number of people that comprise the overage will be permitted to leave the institution/county. For example, if an institution needs to shed 10 people, the 10 most senior people who are successful in the Statewide Bid will be permitted to leave (even if 50 people put in requests).


(2b) Transitional Academies/Report Date: Items #5 and #6 of the attached Wave 3 Statewide Bid and Integration of CHCF Lateral Transfer Opportunity Agreement of 12/27/12:



a. Correctional Counselor Is with Correctional Officer in their background who presently work in an institution do not need to attend a transitional academy.


b. Correctional Counselor Is with Correctional Officer in their background who do not presently work in an institution, but who have been a Correctional Officer within the last 36 months do not need to attend a transitional academy.


c. Correctional Counselor Is with Correctional Officer in their background who do not presently work in an institution and who have not been a Correctional Officer in the last 36 months will attend a 2-week transitional academy.


d. Parole Agent Is and Parole Agent II Specialists with Correctional Officer in their background will attend a 2-week transitional academy.


e. Unit 6 Peace Officer classifications without Correctional Officer in their background will attend a 6-week transitional academy.



In the event that a Unit 6 Peace Officer participates in the SWB and is awarded a transfer, the transfer is binding and irrevocable. If the employee does not report on the report date regardless of reason, he or she will continue in the process and could be laid off at the conclusion of Wave 3, depending upon seniority. After completing the Academy, any employee who does not report to his/her new work location on the date listed in the award letter will be considered AWOL and subject to AWOL separation.


(2c) Same as Wave 2


Parole Agents will be allowed to participate in the SWB and released to their awarded institutions based upon parolee population and caseload reductions. In some circumstances, Parole Agents will be in effect “reserving” their position at an institution. If there are two agents in the same county and one is to be released first, the most senior Parole Agent shall have the option of reporting to DAI first. As such, the principle of seniority is honored.


(3) Same with the following supplement:


By the designated deadline on the form(s), employees shall submit the Statewide Bid form(s) provided by CDCR. For those that opt in, employees shall rank their transfer preferences. Employees shall have at least seven (7) calendar days from the date of delivery to complete and return the required form(s). Forms shall be submitted to the Office or Resource planning via facsimile or email. Late responses shall not be accepted or processed.


(4) Same


CDCR shall communicate to employees that, although this Statewide Bid Process allows employees with the opportunity to transfer out of county sooner, depending upon demotional bumping and one’s seniority score, an employee theoretically still could be laid off at the conclusion of the SROA/layoff process and/or permanently involuntarily transferred within an impacted county.


(5) CDCR shall calculate the transfer awards and communicate a start date at the assigned work location, which includes any Transitional Academy, with at least fourteen (14) days’ notice. After receiving a transfer date, an employee may be granted a change in the report date by agreement of the releasing worksite and the receiving worksite.


Paragraph 18: Same as Wave 2


18. SROA/Layoff Process



(1) Those that have not been able to mitigate layoff through the Statewide Bid shall proceed with the SROA/layoff process.


(2) The area of layoff shall be county-wide.


(3) Overages will be recalculated by county and communicated to CCPOA. Those with the lowest seniority within the county shall be subject to the SROA/layoff process.


(4) Employees are able to pursue out of county opportunities through the SROA process.


(5) However, there shall be no comparable classifications or out of county placement offered in the layoff options process.


(6) Layoff within CDCR: Layoffs shall occur in accordance with inverse seniority within the impacted county/counties. The least senior who are subject to layoff shall receive 30-day written notice of the effective date of their layoff.


(7) Transfer within CDCR: Once the layoff process is completed and where overages still remain, employees may be permanently, involuntarily transferred to a location within the county that still has vacancies. An employee may be granted a change in his/her report date by agreement of the releasing worksite and the receiving worksite. There shall be no relocation, mileage or other travel reimbursement paid in association with such involuntary transfers, except as otherwise provided herein.


(8) Those who do not comply with the permanent involuntary transfer shall be Absent Without Leave (AWOL) separated.



19.The Final SWB Opportunity for Wave 3 is covered by the parties’ agreement of 2/14/13.


Continued Communication: In an effort to foster partnership and communication between the parties, and with a continued eye toward improving the opportunities described above, the parties shall meet and confer in good faith regarding these opportunities and processes after the conclusion of the Third Wave in preparation for Wave 4.


Paragraph 20: Same


20. Retired Annuitants: No Retired Annuitant shall fill a budgeted position that could otherwise have been selected by a member of BU 6 (who is willing to transfer) as a transfer opportunity pursuant to this Side Letter. If CCPOA has reason to believe that a Retired Annuitant is working at a location where a PIE could be performing that work instead, the parties shall meet to discuss such a concern, upon CCPOA’s request.


Paragraph 21: N/A


Paragraph 22: See parties’ 12/27/12 and 2/14/13 agreements


Paragraph 23: See parties’ 12/27/12 and 2/14/13 agreements


Paragraph 24: Same


24. Extraordinary Circumstances: Should extraordinary circumstances arise, including, but not limited to, legislative or court action, that impacts Realignment, the parties shall meet and confer in good faith regarding the impact of such circumstances on this Side Letter and CCPOA membership.



Wave 3 Agreements are attached as follows:

12/27/12 First SWB and CHCF

1/4/13 Apprenticeship and Probation

1/4/13 Future DJJ CHCF Opportunity

1/31/13 Options Worksheets

2/13/13 Uniform Allowance/Transitional Academy

2/14/13 BPH CC1s

2/14/13 Final SWB

2/28/13 Resolution Workgroup

2/28/13 Mitigation

3/6/13 Education Incentive Pay

3/6/13 PICO rollover



4/23/3 [NB]





Wave 3 Statewide Bid and Integration of CHCF Lateral Transfer Opportunity

This agreement supplements the two prior Realignment Agreements as follows: June 1, 2012 Agreement, pages 2 and 3 entitled “Wave 2 Statewide Bid Process” which supplemented the September 29, 2011 Agreement, Paragraph 17.





(1) Classifications that are directly impacted in Wave 3, which include only Parole Agent Is, Correctional Counselors Is and Parole Agent II Specialists, may participate in the Statewide Bid (SWB) opportunity.


(2) Posting of vacancy and seniority information will be consistent with our current agreement.


(3) As we have previously agreed, only the number of people that comprise the overage will be given a SWB award and permitted to leave the county regardless of how many people submit SWB requests in that county.


(4) The majority of SWB award opportunities in Wave 3 will be to Correctional Officer, although there are limited vacancies in Parole Agent I, Parole Agent II Specialist and Correctional Counselor I classifications.


(5) As in Wave 2:


a. Correctional Counselor Is with Correctional Officer in their background who presently work in an institution do not need to attend a transitional academy.


b. Correctional Counselor Is with Correctional Officer in their background who do not presently work in an institution, but who have been a Correctional Officer within the last 36 months do not need to attend a transitional academy.


c. Correctional Counselor Is with Correctional Officer in their background who do not presently work in an institution and who have not been a Correctional Officer in the last 36 months will attend a 2-week transitional academy.


d. Parole Agent Is and Parole Agent II Specialists with Correctional Officer in their background will attend a 2-week transitional academy.


e. Unit 6 Peace Officer classifications without Correctional Officer in their background will attend a 6-week transitional academy.


(6) In the event that a Unit 6 Peace Officer participates in the SWB and is awarded a transfer, the transfer is binding and irrevocable. If the employee does not report on the report date regardless of reason, he or she will continue in the process  and could be laid off at the conclusion of Wave 3, depending on seniority. After completing the Academy, any employee who does not report to his/her new work location on the date listed in the award letter will be considered AWOL and subject to AWOL separation.


(7) Parole Agent Is, Correctional Counselor Is and Parole Agent II Specialists will be able to select Correctional Officer spots at 18 institutions (both PFT and PICO depending upon location) as well as the California Healthcare Correctional Facility (CHCF) (PFT).


(8) SWB Per Diem and ATO will be provided consistent with our current Realignment agreement. ATO/leave credits shall be used after successfully completing the Academy to help facilitate a move.



State passed
12:10 pm








(1) During the same period as the foregoing SWB opportunity, Correctional Officers (both PFT and PICO) throughout the State may submit a lateral transfer package to transfer to the CHCF as PFT.


(2) Only COs meeting the following eligibility criteria are able to participate in this lateral transfer opportunity:


a. The employee is not currently under investigation for misbehavior which could lead to adverse action;


b. The employee has not had an adverse action in the last three (3) years; and


c. The employee has not had an overall substandard performance evaluation in the preceding 12 months.


(3) Completed and signed lateral transfer packages must be submitted by the CO by the January 15, 2013 deadline.






(1) Per this agreement, CHCF positions will be awarded through the SWB and the CO CHCF Lateral Transfer opportunity.


(2) While the lateral transfer opportunities will be awarded via seniority in most cases, management discretion will be used to determine (1) the number of CO’s able to transfer from institutions currently facing large number of vacancies, which include PBSP, HDSP and CCC and (2) the number of transfers out of institutions will be monitored and may be limited to ensure that transfers out do not result in PFT CO vacancy rate of over 5% taking into consideration vacancies created by attrition and promotions as well. The State and CCPOA will meet to discuss the exercising of either of these limitations.


(3) The first activation at CHCF will occur in June and July and include approximately 230 positions. The State reserves the right to determine when SWB awardees and Lateral Transfer awardees will report to the CHCF (and any required transitional academy).



TA 12/27/12




State’s Counter to CCPOA Proposal #5

The State and CCPOA agree to meet to develop a lateral transfer opportunity to CHCF for DJJ BU 6 Correctional Officer in the last 18 months for transfer after all of the Wave 3 opportunities have been awarded, which could like the CO transfer opportunity, include a cap.


Passed @ 1000 on 1/4/13


TA’d @ 1133 on 1/4/13




State’s Counter to CCPOA Proposal #3

The State and CCPOA agree that BU 6 members who due to Wave 3 reductions were placed into new classifications will not be required to complete a formal apprenticeship program in [illegible] new classification, but will receive appropriate training. Such BU 6 employees will not be required to serve a new probationary period, but must complete any existing probation.


Passed 1/4/13 – 10:30


TA’d 1/4/13 – 11:34





Agreement Regarding Options Worksheets

For BU6 members (both peace and non-peace) who do not submit options worksheets, the State will place them in vacancies in their current classification in their county if they have sufficient seniority.


The State will only (1) bump, (2) place people in their primary or personal demotional pattern or (3) change time base to PICO if the BU6 member chooses those options on the submitted options worksheet.


Therefore, if a BU6 member does not submit an options worksheet, s/he could be laid off without bumping, demotion or assignment to PICO.


TA 1/31/13




State’s Counter 1/31/13 #8

The State and CCPOA agree that PAIs, PAII Specialists, and CCIs attending a transitional academy will receive a uniform allowance of $305 for the initial purchase of uniform and uniform accessories required as a condition of employment. This allowance will be paid to the employee on the first day of the academy.








BPH CCIs were allowed to participate in SWB and will be released to their awarded institutions based upon workload. In some circumstances, BPH CCIs will be in effect “resening” [NB] their position at an institution. If there are two BPH CCIs in the same county and one is to be released first, the most senior CCI shall have the option of reporting to DAI first. As such, the principle of seniority is honored.








State’s Counter-Proposals to CCPOA’s Proposal Number 12 and 13

I. Statewide Bid


CDCR and CCPOA agree that a final Wave 3 Statewide Bid Process (SWB) will be held for BU6 members who receive layoff notices in the following classifications: Parole Agent, Parole Agent II Specialist, Correctional Counselor I CC II SPEC and Correctional Officer. These classifications will be able to bid into Identified Permanent Intermittent Correctional Officer (PICO) placements at institutions designated by CDCR.


Transitional Academies of either two (2) or six (6) weeks will be required consistent with the parties Wave 3 Statewide Bid Agreement dated December 27, 2012. Effective May 1, 2013, any BU 6 member attending a transitional academy shall be appointed to Correctional Officer classification and paid pursuant to an individualized salary determination (i.e. they will be paid what their salary would be upon successful completion of the academy). They will no longer be entitled to or paid the salary associated with their prior classification.


Consistent with the parties’ prior agreements, these SWB transfer awards are binding and irrevocable. If the employee does not report on the report date, he or she will be laid off immediately and will be informed of this fact both in their SWB Worksheet and in their SWB Award Letter. Upon layoff, any compensable time will be paid out at the employee’s current Correctional Officer salary as determined above.


There will be no additional transfer/placement opportunities in Wave 3.



a. Per Diem for Final SWB Awards


Only BU 6 members who receive layoff notices who were not allowed to participate in the initial SWB in Wave 3 will be allowed Per Diem, which will be paid pursuant [NB]  paragraph 22 of the parties’ Wave 2 addendum dated June 1, 2012.


b. ATO/Time Off


SUBJECT TO THE DEC 27 AGREEMENT, Staff awarded a SWB will be afforded three (3) days of ATO and the option to utilize up to ten (10) days of personal leave credits to facilitate moving provided their receiving institution is more than fifty (50) miles from their assigned work location and residence. Approval of such request shall not be unreasonably denied by the receiving institution.





@ 1450
On 2/14/13




State’s Counter Proposal to #15

Date: February 28, 2013


The State and CCPOA agree to convene a resolution workgroup comprised of three CCPOA members and three State members. This workgroup is empowered to discuss and resolve Wave 3 disputes, potential grievances and/or potential CalHR Statutory Unit Appeals.


Written settlements, including placements, reached by committee agreement will result in the written withdrawal/waiver of any grievance and the written withdrawal/waiver of any CalHR Statutory Unit Appeal.


CCPOA agrees to share with CalHR statistical data regarding Wave 3 intakes, appeals filed and withdrawals.









CCPOA Proposal #2 dated 1/3/13 (countered by State 1/23/13)

The State and CCPOA agree that any vacancies created by completed (1) retirements (including receipt of first PERS check) and (2) keyed separations prior to March 30 for impacted classifications of Parole Agent I, Parole Agent II Specialist, Correctional Counselor I, Parole Services Associate in BU 6 in Wave 3 shall be used to mitigate layoff.


This agreement is not intended to require, nor does it require, CDCR to recalculate any award(s) or undo any placements/awards.


TA 2.28.13




March 6, 2013 Counter Proposals

State’s counter to CCPOA’s #10: The State and CCPOA agree that Parole Agents, CC1s and PAII Specialists who became Parole Agents from 1991 forward who demote to Correctional Officer will be enrolled automatically for the Education Incentive Pay differential effective upon their successful completion of the Transitional Academy.


TA 3/6/13
4:55 pm




Counter Proposal to #16

The State and CCPOA agree that a PICO rollover to PFT will occur 5 weeks prior to the start of Wave 4. This rollover will be done in accordance with BU 6 Seniority and the parties’ other agreements regarding PICO rollover (e.g. PICOs roll to identified PFT vacancies in seniority order). This rollover will include BU 6 employees who have successfully completed the transitional academy on May 10, 2013.







State Proposal for Wave 3 Addendum to the Realignment Side Letter Agreement and 6/1/12 Wave 2 Addendum

Note: “Same” means the language was the same in both Wave 1 and Wave 2. “Same as Wave 2” means the parties made a change to the language in Wave 2 and intend to incorporate the change into Wave 3.


Paragraphs 1-4: Same

Paragraph 5: Same as Wave 2

Paragraph 6: Same

Paragraph 7: Same as Wave 2


Timing of Wave
12/31/12SROA/Surplus Effective
1/4/13Mail Statewide Bid (SWB) Worksheets to Unit 6
1/15/13Completed SWB Worksheets due back to Office of Resource Planning (ORP)
2/1/13Mail SWB Award Letters
2/19/13Transitional Academy (2 and 6 weeks) commences
2/19/13Mail Options Worksheets
2/28/13Completed Options Worksheets due back to ORP
Week of 3/25/13Mail Options Placement, Layoff and Final SWB Opportunity Letters
4/3/13Final SWB Worksheets due back to ORP
Week of 4/15/13Final SWB Awards mailed
4/15/13Transitional Academy for Options/Placements (e.g. demotions)
4/29/13Transitional Academy for CHCF and Final SWB commences
4/30/13Layoff Effective Date



Paragraph 8: Except as otherwise negotiated (e.g. lateral transfer to CHCF), all movement pursuant to this Side Letter Addendum shall be by seniority.


Paragraph 9: The Union generally shall have 48 hours from the time of receipt to review and provide comment on CDCR’s draft Realignment communications to employees.


Paragraph 10: Same


Paragraph 11: CDCR shall provide updated information to CCPOA regarding projected overages and vacancies at the beginning of the wave.


Paragraph 12 and 13: Same


Paragraphs 14 and 16: Same as Wave 3


Paragraph 15: N/A


Camps/Patton State Hospital: Same as Wave 2


Wave 3 First Statewide Bid Process (Paragraph 17 for Waves 1 and 2): See attached Wave 3 Statewide Bid and Integration of CHCF Lateral Transfer Opportunity Agreement of 12/27/12.

(1) Same

(2) Same as Wave 2

(2a) Same as Wave 2


(2b) Same as Wave 2

(2c) Same as Wave 2

(3) Same until forms shall be submitted add – via fax or email

(4) Same

(5) CDCR shall calculate the transfer awards and communicate a start date at the assigned work location, which includes any Transitional Academy, with at least fourteen (14) days’ notice. After receiving a transfer date, an employee may be granted a change in the report date by agreement of the releasing worksite and the receiving worksite.


Paragraph 18: Same as Wave 2.


Paragraph 18a: The Final SWB Opportunity For Wave 3 is covered by the parties’ agreement of 2/14/13.


Paragraph 19: In an effort to foster partnership and communication between the parties, and with a continued eye toward improving the opportunities described above, the parties shall meet and confer in good faith regarding these opportunities and processes after the conclusion of the Third Wave in preparation for Wave 4.


Paragraph 20: Same


Paragraph 21: N/A


Paragraph 22: See parties’ agreements of 12/27/12 and 2/14/13.


Paragraph 23: See parties’ agreements of 12/27/12 and 2/14/13.


Paragraph 24: Same


Wave 3 Agreements: See attached


12/27/12 – First SWB and CHCF
1/4/13 – Apprenticeship and Probation
1/4/13 – Future DJJ CHCF Opportunity
1/31/13 – Uniform Allowance/Transitional Academy
1/31/13 – Options Worksheets
2/14/13 – BPH CC1s
2/14/13 – Final SWB
2/28/13 – Resolution Workgroup
2/28/13 – Mitigation


5:1 [illegible]



  Updated: 5/14/2013
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