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CEA Salaries

Please refer to the Civil Service Pay Scales - Section 8: Variable Compensation for current CEA salary information.


CEA Salary Determination

Delegated departments that have signed, valid CEA Delegation Agreements have authority to administer their CEA pay program within the salary cap established by CalHR in accordance with the CEA Delegation Program.  Delegated departments must not exceed their salary cap at any time and are expected to exercise sound personnel and fiscal management practices for their CEA pay program. 


Non-delegated departments are only authorized to provide a salary rate within the approved CEA level.  Departments may not authorize a salary rate higher than the maximum salary of the approved CEA level without prior approval from the Department of Human Resources (CalHR).  Newly appointed CEAs receive the minimum of the range or may receive five percent (5%) above their current salary rate.  CEA appointees may receive a five percent (5%) annual increase at the hiring department’s discretion, up to the maximum of the range.  Per the  Human Resources (HR) Manual, section 1203, some exceptions and other rules apply.


Pay Scales - Section 8: Variable Compensation​

HR Manual - Section 1203

  Updated: 5/4/2022
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