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IT Consolidation Frequently Asked Questions

​​This serves as a tool for Human Resources professionals to implement the IT classification consolidation. Please direct any specific questions to your department’s Human Resources Office.


Information Technology (IT) Classification Series 

1. How were classification reallocations to the new class series determined?

Classification duty levels and salary ranges were compared to the proposed new series. Reallocation by the State Personnel Board action is class to class movement determined by the “to and from classes” as identified in the board memo dated January 11, 2018. Employee salary movement is determined by a percentage comparison of the maximums of the salary ranges from the old and new classifications and ranges.


2. Will employees’ base salaries be decreased through movement to the new series?

No. Employees’ base salaries will be maintained.


3. What impact does footnote 24 have on the 7 classifications to which it is being applied?

Footnote 24 prevents any further hiring into the classification and abolishes the classification once it becomes vacant.


4. Will incumbents progress through the ranges by exam or by meeting the Alternate Range Criteria?

Incumbents are moved after meeting the Alternate Range Criteria associated with the specific classification. Incumbents will progress through ranges the same as in existing deep classifications. Examinations do not apply to Alternative Range movement.


5. Current Information Systems Technicians or Computer Operators in Range C will be reallocated to Information Technology Technician Range. What happens for individuals currently in Ranges A or B?

Incumbents in Ranges A and B will remain in the Information Systems Technician or Computer Operator class until they reach Range C. At that time, they will be reallocated to the Information Technology Technician, Range A. Departments will be responsible to key those employees as they become eligible for Range C into the Information Technology Technician at Range A.


6. What transactions will be included in the State Controller’s Office (SCO) mass update and what will need to be manually keyed?

The mass update will include the movement to the classification and range indicated in the Board item for most individuals. Departments will need to key incumbents who are currently on probation, employees in excluded ranges, temporary appointments, and other transactions requiring departmental action.


7. For the deep classes, will the mass update place the employees into range A and will it be up to the Departments to move them to the appropriate range?

No. The SCO will do a mass update that implements the movement indicated in the Board Item. Departments should verify that employees are placed in the correct range and determine whether the employee qualifies for a same day range change to another range based on the Alternate Range Criteria associated with the new deep classification.


8. Where will the new IT domains be identified?

It is recommended that domain(s) are documented in revised duty statements and job advertisements. Domains will not be included in SCO or transactional data.


9. In the current pay scales, there are Information Technology Specialist I, II, III. Are those classifications the same as the new classifications?

These classes are specifically for the Legislative Data Center (LDC). We realize the LDC has classifications with the same name, however, those classes are for legislative service employees only and are broad banded classes; the specification, salary structure, and Minimum Qualifications differ from the new series. Departments need to verify they are using the correct classification codes for the new series.


10. Under the proposed classification structure, the Data Processing Manager (DPM) III and the Systems Software Specialist (SSS) III (Supervisory) will be transitioned into the same classification, Information Technology Manager I. In some cases, DPM IIIs have supervised SSS IIIs (Supervisory). What is CalHR’s recommendation for handling this situation?

Departments will need to submit updated organizational charts and reporting relationships as soon as possible to allow for review by your PMD Analyst to ensure conformance with the new class series. Departments should use form CalHR-771.


11. Will employees moving from Work Week Group 2 to Work Week Group E still be eligible for overtime?

No, employees being reallocated into Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exempt classifications will no longer be eligible for overtime compensation. Refer to the Bargaining Unit 1 Memorandum of Understanding, the Department of Labor’s website, or Section 10 of the State’s Pay Scale for more detailed information.


12. What happens to employees currently on probation?

Incumbents currently on probation will be manually reallocated to the proposed classification and will complete the remainder of their probationary period as set by their original appointment classification. Hires made on or after January 31, 2018 will be required to complete the 12-month probationary period.


13. What are the timeframes for secondary range change determinations and processing as a result of these reallocations?

As indicated in the Tentative Agreement, negotiated with Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1000, secondary range change determinations must be completed by April 25, 2018. If it is found the employee meets the criteria to qualify for a higher alternate range, the new placement shall occur by July 22, 2018, with an effective date of January 31, 2018.


14. What is the process for candidates to switch from a job in one domain to a job in another domain?

Candidates would apply and compete for job openings as they do now. We also encourage employees to discuss cross-training opportunities with their supervisors as part of their Individual Development Plan.


15. What is secondary placement appeal process for employees who feel they should have been placed in a higher range?

Employees who feel they have been placed in the incorrect range, as a result of their secondary placement, must notify their supervisor within 90 days of their placement.


16. Do departments need to notify employees if they qualified for a secondary range change?

Yes. Departments will need to notify their employees if they qualified for a secondary range change.


17. Will the anniversary dates of incumbents be affected by reallocations or secondary range placements?

Per California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.688, incumbents' Merit Salary Adjustment date (anniversary date) will not be reset as a result of reallocation movement.

If an incumbent's range change results in at least a five percent salary increase, the Merit Salary Adjustment date will be reset as a result of the range change. Please refer to California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.674 or 599.676, as identified on the applicable Alternate Range Criteria for further guidance.


18. Can we deny an alternate range change based on departmental budget or operational need?

No, if individuals have satisfactorily performed the duties or attained the necessary education as laid out in the Alternate Range Criteria, they shall be moved to a higher range.


19. What is the purpose of domains?

Domains are used to help define the work being performed, as well as clarify how certification lists can be used to address desired skillsets when filling vacancies.


20. Can FLSA exempt employees have an alternative work week schedules?

Yes, departments can utilize CalHR’s Alternate Work Week Policy (


21. How are employees on Training and Development (T&D) assignments impacted by the reallocation?

Departments will need to immediately assess all employees on T&D assignments to determine if employees will meet the Minimum Qualifications for the new classification by the expiration of their T&D agreement. If Minimum Qualifications will be met by the expiration of their T&D agreement, current T&D agreements will have to be modified to indicate the new classification. If Minimum Qualifications will not be met by the end of the assignment, agreements will need to be immediately terminated.


22. Can IT experience gained in a generalist classification (e.g. Staff Services Analyst) be used to meet minimum qualifications for the new IT series?

Experience gained in a generalist classification can only be used to meet the new IT minimum qualifications if it is a result of a documented and approved Out-Of-Class or T&D assignment.


23. If an IT position was advertised prior to class consolidation and an offer was made based on the old salary, and the old salary is higher than the current IT classification which they will be hired into, can we appoint them to a salary higher than the minimum to match what was advertised and offered?

No, the salaries tied to the old IT classifications are no longer applicable. Departments will need to complete a salary determination for placement in the new IT classification based on the new salary range. Departments will then need to contact the potential candidate to inform them of the change in the classification and salary.


24. Do departments need to gain CalHR approval to establish the new Information Technology Specialist III (ITS III)?

As part of the CalHR Delegation Project, departments are no longer required to obtain approval from CalHR to utilize "formerly restricted classifications" (e.g., SSM I Specialist). In keeping with that policy, delegated departments do not need to request CalHR approval to establish the new ITS III classification. Additionally, departments are no longer required to report use of the ITS III if the position meets the classification specification and allocation guidelines.


25. Can IT managers and supervisors supervise lower-level classifications other than the classifications that are specified in the allocation guidelines?

Yes. Departments have the ability to use their IT managers and supervisors to supervise lower-level staff in addition to the supervision requirements listed in the allocation guidelines.


26. When do departments need to submit the SEIU Employee reports to CalHR and where should they be sent?

Departments shall send the SEIU report via email to These reports shall be sent the week of June 25, 2018 through June 29, 2018 and capture data covering the dates of January 31, 2018, through June 25, 2018.


27. Do departments need to report movement on excluded employees as well as SEIU members?

Yes. Departments will need to report employee movement on excluded employees in addition to rank and file. Templates for both reports can be found on the CalHR website at:


IT Examinations

1. Will departments be able to continue hiring from certification lists for old classifications?

Yes, department certification lists created on or before January 30, 2018, will be active for 180 days to complete recruitments that ended by January 11, 2018 and certifications should be used as appropriate lists for the new classifications.


2. Into which classifications should eligible candidates be appointed for recruitments ended by January 11, 2018?

Appointments made on or after January 31, 2018, must be made to the new IT classifications.


3. When will examinations for the new IT classifications be released?

The new IT examinations were released on January 31, 2018.


4. How many ranks are the new IT eligibility lists?

The new IT lists are three ranks. When departments order certifications, they will be able to use preference flags for specific domains.


5. Will competitors on old eligibility lists need to take the new IT examinations to obtain eligibility for the new IT classification(s)?

Yes, competitors must take the new IT examinations to obtain eligibility for the new IT service-wide classifications. Departments with departmental IT eligibility lists for current classifications must notify eligible candidates of the need to take the new CalHR IT examinations. Those previously on CalHR eligible lists have been notified through their CalCareer accounts or by mail depending on their preferences in their accounts.


6. When will the eligible lists be available for the new IT classifications?

Eligible lists are expected to be available during the first week of February 2018.


7. How do preference flags work when pulling certification lists?

Preference flags can be used when ordering a certification to certify the domain preference for the vacant position. Eligible candidates may still apply and be considered for domains in which they did not choose a preference flag as the flag is tied to the domain, rather than the class. Minimum Qualifications are based on the classification, not the domain.


8. When will 511Bs for the new IT classes be available?

511Bs can be found on the ECOS Grapevine website.


State Controller's Office

1. Will departments need to submit individual 607s for all reallocations?

No. Departments may submit one 607 to the State Controller’s Office (SCO) with an attachment showing all of the reallocations and new position numbers. A separate 607 must be filed out for each agency code. The 607 should include a listing of all classifications to be reallocated including filled and vacant positions. The 607 related to this reallocation is not to be sent to the Department of Finance.


2. When is the 607 due to SCO?

Departments must send the 607 to SCO no later than close of business, March 31, 2018.


3. How do I fill out a 607?

Please refer to section C 407 of the Payroll and Procedures Manual (PPM) for guidance.


4. What if my 607 errors out?

SCO’s Position Control will receive an error report within 2 days after 607 is keyed. The SCO will then research and correct the error if possible. SCO may need to contact the sender or send the document back if more information is needed. SCO’s Position Control can only key updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


5. Will the mass update include vacant positions?

No. Departments will have to manually reallocate vacant positions.  


6. Should vacant positions be included on the 607?

Yes. The SCO has requested all positions be included on one 607.

  Updated: 8/7/2019
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